Can You Die From Cocaine Withdrawal
The struggle from cocaine withdrawal could be so intense that it reaches a point where people find it impossible to overcome the treatment and simply give in to what their body tells them to do. Cravings for the drug is a challenging dilemma among individuals who want to quit. Also, the withdrawal effects can be bothersome and painful at some points.
You will also experience some mood swings and behavioral disorders. This is expected for someone who is gradually tapering from cocaine. These negative feelings must be stopped to avoid suicidal thoughts among patients. Without proper medical aid, it could be very likely for someone to cut their life just to end the extreme discomfort of withdrawal.
How Cocaine Withdrawal Can Be Life-threatening
Just like any other addictive substance, Cocaine stimulates the brain by increasing pleasurable feelings and instilling a sense of euphoria. However, as soon as the substance begins to be flushed out from the bloodstream, the brain ceases to stimulate pleasure and this can shut down an individual’s mental health.
It’s expected that patients get exhausted during detox and treatment. It makes the person emotionally and mentally distressed, which leads to suicidal thoughts. That’s to avoid committing suicide, which is one main reason for the death of patients. Even the manifestations of suicidal thoughts firsthand must already be kept an eye on.
Although withdrawal from Cocaine is less dangerous than other substances such as opioids and alcohol, 20% of the suicide rates in New York City involved the use of Cocaine. This figure tells us that withdrawal to the substance should not be underestimated. For you to safely withdraw from using it, it’s recommended that you opt for an inpatient rehab treatment.
Another instance that can make a withdrawal a threat to one’s life is the persistence of strong cravings that can last even beyond the detox treatment time frame. The risk for relapse is very high especially when there are no medical interventions made to strengthen a person’s coping skills towards the drug.
Relapse is a life-threatening condition because it traps a person from continuous substance use which makes detox treatment more challenging in every attempt. This cycle can also lead to physical health problems in the long run. Too much stimulant in the body can gravely strain the cardio-respiratory function over some time.
Although cases are very rare, it is still possible for withdrawal symptoms to include hypertension and cardiac arrest, as well as stroke and seizures. These are conditions that are dangerous and can be fatal. Since each person’s response to detox is different, some may have underlying physical health issues that can be triggered upon withdrawal.
Danger of Cocaine Cold Turkey
Stopping from using cocaine is less dangerous from alcohol and other illicit substances. But it’s still dangerous when doing cold turkey. It puts your body in a tremendous shift, which can cause system collapse. Because of that, you need to be careful when planning to quit from any substances to avoid suffering from painful withdrawal.
Cocaine is a fast-absorbing substance that enters and leaves the body quickly. For this reason, there is no need to taper one’s dose during withdrawal. Quitting cold turkey is the only option and it will only take two days to completely release the substance in the body that is why some individuals prefer to detox on their own.
The downside for this option is to suffer the withdrawal symptoms without medical help and that can be very challenging. Even when the substance is completely removed from the body, withdrawal symptoms will continue to linger in the following weeks. This is called the cocaine crash. It’s when your body feels tired because it’s still recovering from addiction.
Withdrawal performed alone at home may not be able to overcome the pressing impact of this phase. Truly, if one aspires for a safe and manageable withdrawal, it is a must to partner with a medical professional.
Withdrawal without medical supervision is highly discouraged. The chances for relapse are very high especially among cases of non medically supervised detox. Individuals are also prone to suffer from intense cravings and the inability to experience pleasure. The withdrawal effects can be painful to deal with alone, so you need medical assistance.
These withdrawal side effects become dangerous when you’re also drinking too much alcohol. The combined substances can impact the body more seriously than having one substance alone. Upon withdrawal, symptoms from both substances can be experienced all at once, and surely, the discomfort would be extreme.
What Makes A Safe Cocaine Withdrawal
A safe withdrawal must be supervised by a physician because there will be instances when the symptoms need to be treated with prescribed medicines. Sometimes, inpatient treatment will be necessary although, for minor cases, outpatient treatment can also effectively work.
It is very important to be constantly assessed by medical health professionals. Evaluating how the body and mind respond to the treatment requires the expertise of physicians so that certain interventions can be prescribed immediately and by doing this, complications are prevented to arise.
Nobody can exactly predict the severity of the withdrawal symptoms of a person and oftentimes, the withdrawal crash, the phase of experiencing the worst withdrawal symptoms, can be unbearable for one person alone. This is the reason why performing withdrawal without medical help is too risky.
Inpatient detox is most recommended for intense withdrawal. This ensures your safety during the treatment process. This is also recommended if you have mental disorders. On top of that, they are also suggested to undergo therapies and counseling to prevent conditions from worsening.
Apart from this, it is also necessary to keep a healthy lifestyle by eating a proper diet, adding a few supplements to one’s daily routine, getting enough sleep, taking some time to exercise and meditate, and most importantly, boosting one’s mental health by engaging to fun activities and surrounding oneself with loving support from families and friend.
This kind of lifestyle can help stabilize the mind and body as well as strengthen its condition to be ready to battle for recovery. Overall, withdrawal could be a very challenging phase but once overcome, the results are worth all the risks.