Best Depression Treatment
The best depression treatment is the kind that works effectively for you. Keep in mind that finding the right one does not happen overnight. You have to continuously explore various options to see which one fits your needs.
Every person diagnosed with depression lives on different journeys; walks in different paths. There is no single treatment that works in a specific level of depression that is why it is a challenging phase. But with the guidance of professional help and a great amount of patience and commitment, overcoming depression is possible.
Do I Have Depression?
Depression is a mental health illness that cripples a person’s positive outlook in life by manifesting demotivation and hopelessness. It is normal for people to feel under the weather sometimes but when a constant feeling of despair bugs you each day and affects your ability to live the life you normally do straight for two weeks, that is a red flag to seek help.
Clinical depression is a diagnosis given to a person who suffers persistent sadness or emptiness which negatively affects their physical and mental state. Insomnia, extreme changes in appetite and chronic pain with no relative cause are some of the physical manifestations of depression.
Extreme conditions may bring episodes of suicidal attempts and even lead a person to substance addiction. The feeling of worthlessness, as well as the struggle to focus and take responsibility, could be very overwhelming too. All these signs left unattended could be life-threatening that is why treatment is necessary at the earliest time possible.
If you or someone you know shows symptoms of depression, it is best to contact a mental health provider so that you can be assessed, diagnosed, and the next big steps can be discussed. It is also very important to receive the warmest support from loved ones at this crucial phase of the process.
How To Find The Right Treatment
The first criteria to achieve the right treatment is to determine an accurate diagnosis. Clinical depression can be classified from mild to severe and it is important to identify which level of depression your symptoms classify. Your openness and cooperation play an important role so that your healthcare provider can assess you correctly.
Your doctor will usually conduct a physical examination and a personal interview upon diagnosis. You may expect to take a series of laboratory tests and be asked the most specific details about your symptoms – how long and how often they have manifested. A peek of your family’s medical history may also be discussed during the session.
Upon the assessment, be honest and do not hesitate to open up to your doctor as many details as you can describe. Trust that everything you share will be taken with full confidentiality. Before your meeting, you may look closely at yourself and write down your symptoms, your stressors, your history of physical and mental illnesses, and treatments tried.
As soon as you learn your diagnosis, discuss the treatment options with your doctor. You should consider the availability, accessibility, and cost of your treatment plan. Ask questions to your doctor and raise your concerns. After all, this is a crucial phase of your journey. You may also keep in mind the following key points to achieve the right treatment:
Listen To Your Body
Exercise a reflective attitude in the whole process of your treatment. It is important to pay attention to the signs that your body is telling you so that you can attend to them with the proper care. If you are given antidepressants, how is your body coping with its effects? Do you notice an improvement after two weeks of taking it? If not, then talk to your doctor about it.
It is also important to figure out whether your depression comes with an underlying medical condition. Pay close attention to the details of your symptoms and report them to your physician so that your needs can immediately be addressed. Spend most of the time hearing out what your body is telling you so that you can provide it with the right care it needs.
Practice A Healthy Lifestyle
Taking antidepressants for a long time is not advisable, that is why you should not rely on them alone. Certain side effects are likely to occur and on top of that, these medications can be substituted with exercise and a healthy diet as long as it comes with the approval of your physician. Moreover, medications also work best when the body is nourished well.
Eat a well-balanced meal and consider taking supplements to boost your well-being. Engage in daily physical exercise such as jogging or walking or even going to the gym. You can also try yoga and other meditation exercises to clear your thoughts and make you feel relaxed. Make sure to avoid drinking alcohol and other stressful activities as well.
Welcome Social Support
The tendency to isolate oneself from a group could be very common among people with depression. In this case, a strong support system from families and friends is a key to a more effective treatment. Positive connections with other people help reduce mental stress and build security for anyone who feels vulnerable.
You can also engage in group therapy and build friendships with those who share a common ground in overcoming depression. Taking part in volunteer programs is also a good means to create new meaning in life. And lastly, make sure to find a therapist whom you can entrust your life to and be yourself. Sometimes, this could be challenging yet truly essential.
Right Medications for Treating Depression
There are different kinds of antidepressants, and your doctor will prescribe to you the fit one that matches your body and needs. Below are some of the traditional and proven medicines for treating depression.
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
- Atypical antidepressants
- Serotonin-norepinephrine reputable inhibitors (SNRIs)
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Combination or other drugs for medication
Does Treatment Work
Depression is the most popular mental illness in the United States, and statistics show that 80% of those who received treatment have significantly improved their condition within a month. The primary cause of unsuccessful treatment is medical non-compliance. Sitting on the fence for your treatment will change nothing about your state.
You should trust that depression is a treatable condition and the great advantage of getting your life back on track is worth all the sacrifices. Anything for your mental health will always be worth it. Take a step and call your mental health provider now!